雅文小说 > 穿越小说 > 意大利不面 > 对25节结尾的修改全文阅读




我希望当我死去时,(It is my will when I die)

不要埋葬我,不要埋葬我,(Don’t bury me , don’t bury me)

割下我的老二放在酒里,(You cut my dick in alcohol)

然后交给我的妻子。(And call my wife and give it to her)

如果她哭的话就让她哭,(And when she cry , let her cry)

她想干什么就干什么。(When she roll let her rock)

她以为她是谁,(And what the **** she think she is)

就让她对着我的老二吧。(She ****ing around with my GI dick)

会有男人给她忠告,(Another man will counsel her )

会有男人给她安慰。(Another man will comfort her)

请把我的帽子和步枪,(Take my rifle and my bonnet)

留给我的儿子,(Call my son and give it to him )

让他学会保卫或去战斗,(Let him defend or let him fight)

为了他的祖国,为了他的同胞。(For his country ,for his people)

这就是我的愿望…(And it is my will…)

